1001 ways to be Romantic February 09 2017

 1001 ways to be romantic this valentines day

Stumped on what to do for your girl (or guy) this weekend? Or maybe you're just a little tight for cash still since Christmas here's some unique and different and even some (none monetary) ways to be romantic this valentines day. Some of these ideas are from the cool book 1001 ways to be romantic by Gregory Godek.

1001 ones to be romantic

1. Donate to a Charity She/He loves

  • this shows you know what she (he) likes
  • you're thoughtful
  • you're thinking of others
  • you're helping out those less fortunate
  • she'll (he'll) love you even more for this! 

2. Pick up a bouquet of Flowers 

  • seriously any girl loves flowers
  • even if she says she doesn't care about flowers
  • it just goes a long way that you made the extra effort

3. Do something really out of Character

  • Are you always late? --- be on time
  • Not creative? --- hand make her a card
  • Forgetful? --- Write down something she mentions she loves in the next few days (her favourite food? chocolate bar?) and give it to her on V-day
  • Routine is watching TV every night? --- Go out for Dinner instead
  • Two left feet? --- Go out for a dance lesson

4. Act out different fantasies of meeting each other for the first time

  • meet in a bar after work
  • meet while grocery shopping
  • meet in line, waiting at the bank
  • meet at the movie theatres concession stand

5. Surprise them for lunch at their work

  • show up with a packed lunch or take them to a restaurant down the street 
  • they'll love that you went to the effort of coming to their work and surprising them

6. Watch old romantic movies

  • pour some wine
  • dub the sound and make up your own speaking lines to the characters
  • snuggle under the blankets
  • make some popcorn and put your favourite toppings on it (parmesan cheese, lime, butter?)

7. Put a heart sticker on your watch (or fit bit) on valentines day before you go to work

  • every time you look at your watch and see the heart, text your loved one a reason why you love them, or that you're thinking of them

8. Ask each other quirky questions

  • If you could be a comic strip character, who would you be? 
  • If your name were to appear in the dictionary, how would you define yourself?
  • What song title resonates with your personality?
  • If you had three wishes what would they be?


9. Tuck a little gift into the zippered pocket of her purse

  • they'll be super shocked and delighted when they reach inside and find a sweet gift

10. Write a little note on the mirror in their car

  • do it the night before so they'll see it when they head to work

I hope you have the most wonderful valentines day! 

PS if you want to show yourself some self love, or want to get your lady a gift she'll love these custom made gift sets by me and three other local designers are the perfect gift to give! 


Order by Friday February 9th, to ensure delivery in time for Love day.

gift sets for valentines day jewellery, bralette, lipstick


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